imesAPI Group’s commitment is to reduce the environmental impact of our activity, with an environmentally friendly approach which reduces our overall carbon footprint.

Quality & Environment Policy

Grupo ImesAPI, conjunto de empresas dedicadas, principalmente, a las actividades de: Construcción, Montajes industriales, Mantenimiento y conservación integral, señalización y balizamiento de carreteras y conservación y mantenimiento de las mismas, tiene como objeto primordial satisfacer las necesidades de sus clientes, prestando un servicio de calidad y compatible con el medio ambiente, contribuyendo a la sostenibilidad de su ámbito geográfico.Para lo cual se compromete a:

Fulfil the needs of our clients.
Continuously improve the efficiency of processes and behaviour in quality and environment.
Take the necessary measures to prevent pollution from its activities.
Comply with the legislation and other applicable requirements .
Identify potential risks in order to control and prevent them as far as possible .
Share this policy with all employees and interested parties upon request .

Therefore, the management of imesAPI Group will establish, in their Policy, the plans and resources needed to achieve the stated commitments within the group’s managerial framework.

In order to fulfill this commitment, ImesAPI carries out its activities within the management framework established in its systems.


Research, Development and Innovation (R&D+i)

We consider R & D +i a key factor to consolidate our position in the market and the main means to provide greater added value to our products and services. To do this, we implemented within our organization, an R & D + i Management System, based on the UNE 166002 and we commit to:

Continuously improve the efficiency of management in R&D + i
Comply with legal and regulatory requirements in the field of R&D + i
Define and establish objectives for R&D + i
This policy will be available to all members of the company and other interested parties .

To this end the management of the company will establish the plans and resources necessary to achieve the commitments set out in this policy. Main research lines of our organization are:

Technology in construction materials for road marking .
ICT technology (real-time systems applied to vertical signalling and intelligent transport systems for managing mobility and active safety) .
Computer technology applied to the prevention of occupational hazards in the maintenance of road infrastructure.
Construction technology in machinery, equipment and maintenance processes for the maintenance of road infrastructure and accident prevention.

Our Certifications

API Movilidad S.A.